Monday, October 24, 2011


The Marriott Hotel promotes their services through institutional advertising. Marriott started a campaign in 2007 targeting business travelers from all over the world. Their main focus was for the traveling business people to feel at home. They understood that as the people travel for business they didnt have time to adjust to new surrounding while focusing on their business goals, so Marriott made that happen for them.
The progressive campaign includes commercials on media outlets such as CNN en Espanol, Bloomberg, Al Jezeerah, France 24, Discovery and in-flight television channels aboard airlines including Air China, Lufthansa, LAN, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, Qantas, and Japan Air Lines.  Additionally, the campaign includes on-line advertising, traditional print placements in publications like the Economist and outdoor and airline terminal media. This advertisement in all different places was presented to many different travelers and in result reflected a great success.

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