Sunday, October 16, 2011


Marriott Retailing

When  walking into a Marriott hotel the first thing you notice is the inviting decor of the place. The way the layout of the furniture is placed down to the aroma lets you know you are about to enjoy your stay. The first person to greet you in the doorman he welcomes you in and invites you with a pleasant tone of voice. The second to greet you are the Guest Service Representatives. They are the ones you come to, to check-in or to book your reservation. These representatives play are big role in the company because they are the first impression of the staff at the hotel. All of this is the first 10 minutes of being in the hotel and this all plays a part in retailing to the guest.

The Marriott Hotel strives to give their employees all the right trainings and qualifications to assist each and every guest. From those who came on a business trip to those visiting family with littles ones. Every guest is treated with respectful and curtious manners.

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